Skye Hart – Our Flexibility Guru


We had the pleasure of interviewing an amazing General Manager who has implemented flexible working practices with her whole team.  Yep, she’s adopted a one in all in approach and best of all, she agreed to come on our PodCast.

Now Skye Hart is not her real name, but to protect confidentiality and commercial sensitivities we had to use an alias, and Skye Hart is what we came up with – who said being creative wasn’t one of our strong suits???

Skye Hart is married with 3 children, GM in a major global organisation and she agreed to talk with us about how her and husband manage their parenting, career and personal pursuits and it was great to hear.

Skye has a beautiful nature, has some great insights and very considered way in which she works.  We were thoroughly blessed to have so much insight, information and tips on how to make flexibility work in the workplace.

We hope you enjoy our chat with Skye as much as we enjoyed having her on!

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